Coming Soon


Lisa López

Donec sed odio dui. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam.Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Donec sed odio dui. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo.Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod.



Navigating Transitions
with Grace & Clarity

Serenity Shift offers death doulaship services guided by the principle that death is a natural human event. Our founder, Lisa López is a Certified Death Doula and Master Reiki Practitioner committed to helping you navigate life’s final transition. She believes no one should ever feel as confused or alone as she was during her father’s final hours.Raised while on a multinational journey, Lisa grew up within a multicultural family of healers, teachers, writers, artists, and spiritual seekers. Her quiet, empathic curiosity was nurtured early and forged through her life as a woman, wife, mother, caregiver—and professional of many hats, including organizer, counselor, and healer. All these experiences inform her practice as Death Doula.Whether you are seeking help for yourself or a loved one, Serenity Shift offers knowledge, support, and guidance in-person or virtually, depending on your needs and circumstances. We honor the journey that brought you here. We welcome your questions and hope we can serve you.



Lisa López

How I became a death doula

We all learn that life is a journey full of crossroads, endings, transitions, and loss that inevitably lead us to our own evolution. My journey started early,

We are born to live but designed to die.”

Lisa López Serenity Shift

Death Doula Services

  • Knowledge & Support Death doulaship provides compassionate, supportive guide leading the way to an informed, gentle, and dignified death.

  • Legacy Work Helping the dying regroup their life achievements and memories. Creating space to discover how they wish to be remembered. Collecting & editing the recollections and memorials of loved ones.

  • Reiki Energy channeling support for the ill, the dying, and their loved ones with attention to shock, trauma, caregiver stress, and processing grief. On-site and Remote sessions available.

  • MAiD support Holding and legally providing space for those choosing to exercise their rights through Colorado’s Medical Aid in Dying Act, passed in 2016.

  • 11th-Hour Doulaship Holding space and reverence during the final transition; disposition of the body with solemn care.

  • Post Departure Logistics & Organizing Facilitating closure one task at a time. Taking care of practical and emotional tasks such as funeral arrangements, sorting belongings for family keepsakes or dispositions for estate sales, donations, etc, staging the home for rental or sale. Resetting energy from grieving to living.


  • Death Doula Studied under Erin Merelli & Lauren Carroll and Certified and listed with Deathwives.

  • Master Reiki Practitioner Certified by River Moss Reiki under Valerie Brodar.

  • Hospice Volunteer Since the late 1990s with Vitas and other providers.

  • Medical Cannabis Counselor Provided research-based education to medically fragile people worldwide through the Colorado-based non-profit Realm of Caring Foundation during the historic legalization movement.

  • Certified Nurse Assistant Completed the Beo CNA Program holding a current license.

  • Spatial Organizer With years of professional experience in decluttering, staging, and spatial harmonizing.

  • Bilingual Communicator Fluent in English/Spanish.


I have had the good fortune to work with Lisa on a few occasions. Undaunted by overwhelming tasks, Lisa tackles the seemingly undoable with a patient and practical approach. She has helped me pair down a closet full of clothes; she also transformed an office space full of boxes, files, and stressful amounts of paper into a beautiful, functional organized space. I felt joy and relief after working with Lisa!To work with Lisa is to receive the best gift possible for yourself! She takes the time to listen and understand your needs before proceeding and she offers simple, helpful tips to maintain a space that you want to spend time in. Lisa’s eye for design and how to arrange home decor is also why I hired her to stage my home. With her expertise, our home looked stunning in its online photos. When I moved, I consulted with Lisa regarding paint colors and home decor, and she helped me fashion what I had into beautiful spaces that housed what I loved most (shell collections, woven baskets, family photos, books!, and art). Alongside her design and organization strengths, Lisa is also tuned in to what it is that you want and need to thrive in your life.”

Sabrina Lowe

I have known Lisa for over 20 years. I have always admired how in tune she is with nature and all things spiritual. She is so kind, personable, and very intuitive. When she told me about her desire to assist people who are in the process of transitioning, I told my sister, who thought it would be wonderful for our 93-year-old father to have at least an hour during the week that he could just talk to someone. And so we hired Lisa, who helped our dad consider things he hadn't thought about or spoken to anyone about. Lisa paid attention and prompted Dad according to her observations. The excitement that we saw in our dad as he prepared for his weekly call with Lisa was palpable and gave us such joy to witness. Lisa, we are so grateful to you for having been such an important part of Dad’s final days. Thank you so much!”

Gerardo & Mariza Cantú



Death Doulaship

Reiki is a traditional Japanese technique for energy healing, founded by Mikao Usui in 1922 on Mt. Kurama, Japan. It’s a method that focuses on channeling energy to promote healing and balance.

Reiki healing is performed through a gentle placement of hands either directly on or just above various parts of the body. This process is designed to enhance our ‘Universal Life Force Energy’ flow. Low or blocked energy levels can negatively impact our well-being, potentially contributing to emotional or physical health issues over time.

Reiki is widely used for its ability to alleviate stress, anxiety, depression, and pain. It’s a holistic approach that targets the Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Mental aspects of an individual.

Wear loose and comfortable clothes for your session, minimize jewelry, and have an intention or purpose in mind. This intention can be as general as overall well-being; Reiki energy intuitively flows to where it's needed most.

Yes, Remote Reiki is a viable option and works based on the principle that energy is not confined by physical distance. In a Remote Reiki session, the practitioner uses focused intention and specific techniques to send healing energy across any distance to the recipient. This method is based on the understanding that we are all connected through the universal energy field. Just like an in-person session, it aims to balance energy and promote healing on physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental levels. All you need is a quiet space where you can relax undisturbed while the practitioner conducts the session at a mutually agreed-upon time.

During a session, you may feel a variety of sensations from the practitioner’s hands, such as warmth or coolness. Some people see colors, others may fall asleep, have a spiritual awakening, or feel nothing specific. Generally, people leave feeling deeply relaxed, peaceful, and energized.

The frequency of sessions depends on your needs. For chronic needs, a weekly session is ideal. As your condition improves, you might reduce the frequency to bi-weekly or monthly. Your practitioner will work with you to determine the best schedule based on how you feel and respond to the treatments.

Reiki is a complementary healing practice and should not be considered a replacement for professional medical care. Our practitioners do not diagnose conditions, nor do they prescribe substances or perform medical treatments. Clients are advised to seek professional medical advice for any physical or psychological ailments they may experience. Reiki sessions are conducted with the consent of the client, who may discontinue treatment at any time. Personal information shared during sessions will remain confidential. Clients under the age of 18 require parental or guardian consent.

For any additional questions or specific inquiries, please contact Serenity Shift directly through our contact page.


Reiki is a traditional Japanese technique for energy healing, founded by Mikao Usui in 1922 on Mt. Kurama, Japan. It’s a method that focuses on channeling energy to promote healing and balance.

Reiki healing is performed through a gentle placement of hands either directly on or just above various parts of the body. This process is designed to enhance our ‘Universal Life Force Energy’ flow. Low or blocked energy levels can negatively impact our well-being, potentially contributing to emotional or physical health issues over time.

Reiki is widely used for its ability to alleviate stress, anxiety, depression, and pain. It’s a holistic approach that targets the Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Mental aspects of an individual.

Wear loose and comfortable clothes for your session, minimize jewelry, and have an intention or purpose in mind. This intention can be as general as overall well-being; Reiki energy intuitively flows to where it's needed most.

Yes, Remote Reiki is a viable option and works based on the principle that energy is not confined by physical distance. In a Remote Reiki session, the practitioner uses focused intention and specific techniques to send healing energy across any distance to the recipient. This method is based on the understanding that we are all connected through the universal energy field. Just like an in-person session, it aims to balance energy and promote healing on physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental levels. All you need is a quiet space where you can relax undisturbed while the practitioner conducts the session at a mutually agreed-upon time.

During a session, you may feel a variety of sensations from the practitioner’s hands, such as warmth or coolness. Some people see colors, others may fall asleep, have a spiritual awakening, or feel nothing specific. Generally, people leave feeling deeply relaxed, peaceful, and energized.

The frequency of sessions depends on your needs. For chronic needs, a weekly session is ideal. As your condition improves, you might reduce the frequency to bi-weekly or monthly. Your practitioner will work with you to determine the best schedule based on how you feel and respond to the treatments.

Reiki is a complementary healing practice and should not be considered a replacement for professional medical care. Our practitioners do not diagnose conditions, nor do they prescribe substances or perform medical treatments. Clients are advised to seek professional medical advice for any physical or psychological ailments they may experience. Reiki sessions are conducted with the consent of the client, who may discontinue treatment at any time. Personal information shared during sessions will remain confidential. Clients under the age of 18 require parental or guardian consent.

For any additional questions or specific inquiries, please contact Serenity Shift directly through our contact page.



Lisa López

How I became a death doula

“We are born to live and designed to die.”

Lisa López Serenity Shift


  • Death Doula Studied under Erin Merelli & Lauren Carroll and Certified and listed with Deathwives.

  • Master Reiki Practitioner Certified by River Moss Reiki under Valerie Brodar.

  • Hospice Volunteer Since the late 1990s with Vitas and other providers.

  • Medical Cannabis Counselor Provided research-based education to medically fragile people worldwide through the Colorado-based non-profit Realm of Caring Foundation during the historic legalization movement.

  • Certified Nurse Assistant Completed the Beo CNA Program holding a current license.

  • Spatial Organizer With years of professional experience in decluttering, staging, and spatial harmonizing.

  • Bilingual Communicator Fluent in English/Spanish.

Death Doula Services

  • Knowledge & Support Death doulaship provides compassionate, supportive guide leading the way to an informed, gentle, and dignified death.

  • Legacy Work Helping the dying regroup their life achievements and memories. Creating space to discover how they wish to be remembered. Collecting & editing the recollections and memorials of loved ones.

  • Reiki Energy channeling support for the ill, the dying, and their loved ones with attention to shock, trauma, caregiver stress, and processing grief. On-site and Remote sessions available.

  • MAiD support Holding and legally providing space for those choosing to exercise their rights through Colorado’s Medical Aid in Dying Act, passed in 2016.

  • 11th-Hour Doulaship Holding space and reverence during the final transition; disposition of the body with solemn care.

  • Post Departure Logistics & Organizing Facilitating closure one task at a time. Taking care of practical and emotional tasks such as funeral arrangements, sorting belongings for family keepsakes or dispositions for estate sales, donations, etc, staging the home for rental or sale. Resetting energy from grieving to living.


I have had the good fortune to work with Lisa on a few occasions. Undaunted by overwhelming tasks, Lisa tackles the seemingly undoable with a patient and practical approach. She has helped me pair down a closet full of clothes; she also transformed an office space full of boxes, files, and stressful amounts of paper into a beautiful, functional organized space. I felt joy and relief after working with Lisa!To work with Lisa is to receive the best gift possible for yourself! She takes the time to listen and understand your needs before proceeding and she offers simple, helpful tips to maintain a space that you want to spend time in. Lisa’s eye for design and how to arrange home decor is also why I hired her to stage my home. With her expertise, our home looked stunning in its online photos. When I moved, I consulted with Lisa regarding paint colors and home decor, and she helped me fashion what I had into beautiful spaces that housed what I loved most (shell collections, woven baskets, family photos, books!, and art). Alongside her design and organization strengths, Lisa is also tuned in to what it is that you want and need to thrive in your life.”

Sabrina Lowe

I have known Lisa for over 20 years. I have always admired how in tune she is with nature and all things spiritual. She is so kind, personable, and very intuitive. When she told me about her desire to assist people who are in the process of transitioning, I told my sister, who thought it would be wonderful for our 93-year-old father to have at least an hour during the week that he could just talk to someone. And so we hired Lisa, who helped our dad consider things he hadn't thought about or spoken to anyone about. Lisa paid attention and prompted Dad according to her observations. The excitement that we saw in our dad as he prepared for his weekly call with Lisa was palpable and gave us such joy to witness. Lisa, we are so grateful to you for having been such an important part of Dad’s final days. Thank you so much!”

Gerardo & Mariza Cantú



Death Doulaship

Reiki is a traditional Japanese technique for energy healing, founded by Mikao Usui in 1922 on Mt. Kurama, Japan. It’s a method that focuses on channeling energy to promote healing and balance.

Reiki healing is performed through a gentle placement of hands either directly on or just above various parts of the body. This process is designed to enhance our ‘Universal Life Force Energy’ flow. Low or blocked energy levels can negatively impact our well-being, potentially contributing to emotional or physical health issues over time.

Reiki is widely used for its ability to alleviate stress, anxiety, depression, and pain. It’s a holistic approach that targets the Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Mental aspects of an individual.

Wear loose and comfortable clothes for your session, minimize jewelry, and have an intention or purpose in mind. This intention can be as general as overall well-being; Reiki energy intuitively flows to where it's needed most.

Yes, Remote Reiki is a viable option and works based on the principle that energy is not confined by physical distance. In a Remote Reiki session, the practitioner uses focused intention and specific techniques to send healing energy across any distance to the recipient. This method is based on the understanding that we are all connected through the universal energy field. Just like an in-person session, it aims to balance energy and promote healing on physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental levels. All you need is a quiet space where you can relax undisturbed while the practitioner conducts the session at a mutually agreed-upon time.

During a session, you may feel a variety of sensations from the practitioner’s hands, such as warmth or coolness. Some people see colors, others may fall asleep, have a spiritual awakening, or feel nothing specific. Generally, people leave feeling deeply relaxed, peaceful, and energized.

The frequency of sessions depends on your needs. For chronic needs, a weekly session is ideal. As your condition improves, you might reduce the frequency to bi-weekly or monthly. Your practitioner will work with you to determine the best schedule based on how you feel and respond to the treatments.

Reiki is a complementary healing practice and should not be considered a replacement for professional medical care. Our practitioners do not diagnose conditions, nor do they prescribe substances or perform medical treatments. Clients are advised to seek professional medical advice for any physical or psychological ailments they may experience. Reiki sessions are conducted with the consent of the client, who may discontinue treatment at any time. Personal information shared during sessions will remain confidential. Clients under the age of 18 require parental or guardian consent.

For any additional questions or specific inquiries, please contact Serenity Shift directly through our contact page.


Reiki is a traditional Japanese technique for energy healing, founded by Mikao Usui in 1922 on Mt. Kurama, Japan. It’s a method that focuses on channeling energy to promote healing and balance.

Reiki healing is performed through a gentle placement of hands either directly on or just above various parts of the body. This process is designed to enhance our ‘Universal Life Force Energy’ flow. Low or blocked energy levels can negatively impact our well-being, potentially contributing to emotional or physical health issues over time.

Reiki is widely used for its ability to alleviate stress, anxiety, depression, and pain. It’s a holistic approach that targets the Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Mental aspects of an individual.

Wear loose and comfortable clothes for your session, minimize jewelry, and have an intention or purpose in mind. This intention can be as general as overall well-being; Reiki energy intuitively flows to where it's needed most.

Yes, Remote Reiki is a viable option and works based on the principle that energy is not confined by physical distance. In a Remote Reiki session, the practitioner uses focused intention and specific techniques to send healing energy across any distance to the recipient. This method is based on the understanding that we are all connected through the universal energy field. Just like an in-person session, it aims to balance energy and promote healing on physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental levels. All you need is a quiet space where you can relax undisturbed while the practitioner conducts the session at a mutually agreed-upon time.

During a session, you may feel a variety of sensations from the practitioner’s hands, such as warmth or coolness. Some people see colors, others may fall asleep, have a spiritual awakening, or feel nothing specific. Generally, people leave feeling deeply relaxed, peaceful, and energized.

The frequency of sessions depends on your needs. For chronic needs, a weekly session is ideal. As your condition improves, you might reduce the frequency to bi-weekly or monthly. Your practitioner will work with you to determine the best schedule based on how you feel and respond to the treatments.

Reiki is a complementary healing practice and should not be considered a replacement for professional medical care. Our practitioners do not diagnose conditions, nor do they prescribe substances or perform medical treatments. Clients are advised to seek professional medical advice for any physical or psychological ailments they may experience. Reiki sessions are conducted with the consent of the client, who may discontinue treatment at any time. Personal information shared during sessions will remain confidential. Clients under the age of 18 require parental or guardian consent.

For any additional questions or specific inquiries, please contact Serenity Shift directly through our contact page.



Ask a Doula
